Could This Be The ook You've Been
Looking For?
A quirky little adventure story that takes you to the future with the past creating chaos along the way. Good-for-nothing crooks take control of a small town near you when they get their greedy hands on some magic money that can make any wish come true...

How oodoo Came To Be
It was 34 years ago when I started the Hoodoo project. Why did it take me so long to complete it? Well, simply, life got in the way... But, here I am today, delighted to finally bring to you my creation. As a working bartender for the last 45 years, I've seen it all... Most of my stories (more to come) have been centered around the guests I've served over the years. Hooray For Hoodoo came about while I was living in a barn. Yes, it was a barn that housed chickens and horses, and later on, me.

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